I REFER to the letter, 'Why make buyer of resale flat pay for HDB's oversight?' (ST, June 30), by Mr Jiang Hai.
The purpose of HDB's resale inspection is to check for unauthorised renovation works in the HDB flat that may affect the structural integrity of the building. It is not to help flat buyers check the condition of the flats.
Similar to buyers of private properties, buyers of HDB resale flats purchase their flats on a 'caveat emptor' (as-is) basis. It is the buyer's responsibility to check the physical condition of the flat before committing to the purchase. Once the buyer takes over the ownership of the flat, he will be responsible for the property, including any irregularities, such as unauthorised works which may be discovered after resale completion. This is stated in the terms and conditions accompanying HDB's resale- application form.
Buyers can obtain information on the approved renovation works carried out in the flats from the sellers. If they need professional help to check the renovation works, they can engage a Qualified Person (QP), such as a building surveyor, to help them.
In Mr Jiang's case, the previous flat owner had replaced the original railing at the window with another railing without HDB's approval. As this does not affect the structural integrity of the building, it was not part of the renovation works that were checked during HDB's resale inspection.
HDB has advised Mr Jiang to engage a QP to certify that the replaced window railing is safe. He can contact our Senior Technical Officer, Mr Goh Yong Tian, on 6586-7619 should he require additional information.
Keh Kim Bok
Bukit Batok Branch Office
Housing & Development Board