Friday, August 18, 2006

[RealEdge] BT : Owners of 2 apt buildings join forces to sell en bloc

Published August 18, 2006

Owners of 2 apt buildings join forces to sell en bloc


OWNERS of two residential developments on Cavenagh Road are joining forces to sell their apartment buildings as one large collective en bloc sale site.

Clemenceau Court: Together with Cavenagh Mansion, the combined site could yield 164 units of 1,000 sq ft each and the breakeven price for a new development would be $850-900 psf

The owners of the 60-unit Clemenceau Court have decided to launch their site next for sale by tender in conjunction with an invitation to make an offer for the neighbouring 18-unit Cavenagh Mansion.

Marketed by Charles Chua of Propnex, the Clemenceau Court site measuring 38,131 sq ft is going for about $75 million while owners of Cavenagh Mansion (19,813 sq ft) are asking for $27 million.

Mr Chua has worked out that the possible amalgamation to the sites makes them more attractive.

With a plot ratio of 2.1, Clemenceau Court works out to be $940 per sq ft per plot ratio (psf ppr) including development charge. Even with the cost of an available 9,688 sq ft of state land for $4.9 million, it will still cost $798 psf ppr.

With the same 2.1 plot ratio, Cavenagh Mansion will cost $652 psf ppr. With the cost of an available 5,059 sq ft of state land, it will cost $569 psf ppr.

Together, the combined site lowers the price to $642 psf ppr. In such a scenario, the site could yield 164 units of 1,000 sq ft each and the breakeven price for a new development would be $850-900 psf.

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