Sunday, November 19, 2006

[RealEdge] ST : Gardens belong in homes, not on pavements

Nov 18, 2006

Gardens belong in homes, not on pavements

I COULD not agree more with Ms Sandra Kunalan ('Pavement gardens' should remain useable'; ST, Nov 16).

More 'pavement gardens' are coming up in private housing estates. In Lucky Heights where I live, one resident even removed the pavement slabs and planted a full-sized tree. While the houseowners take pride in their handiwork, they do not realise the inconvenience caused to both pedestrians and motorists.

Pavements are meant to be used by pedestrians, especially where estate roads are narrow and made worse by double- parking. Although I drive carefully, there have been near misses. Also, when motorists park their vehicles, passengers cannot alight from the pavement side because of the gardens.

I am not against gardens, as my family has a lovely one in our home, but that is where it should be - inside my property. For the sake of road safety, the authorities should do something to put things right.

Francis Yong Hin Yao

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