Wednesday, August 02, 2006

[RealEdge] TodayOnline : To some, a house is more than just a property

  This story was printed from TODAYonline
  To some, a house is more than just a property

Wednesday • August 2, 2006

Letter from Ho Chong Seng

I am prompted to write after reading the two letters from Valerie Ong and Eddy Tan ("Protect the rights of home owners who do not agree to en-bloc sales", Aug 1).

I feel the laws governing en-bloc sales are grossly unfair to those who do not wish to sell their apartments. First of all, we did not buy our homes on a collective basis, so why should we be forced to sell on a collective basis?

Different owners paid different prices for their apartments. Those who planned to make their present homes their permanent abode have spent large sums on renovation to make their homes a joyful, comfortable place for the family to spend time together.

We have grown to love the surroundings of our present home. We have become so attached to the neighbourhood shops, eating places, market and even the community club.

Our children have many friends in the estate and nearby houses, and their schools are conveniently located nearby.

Why should we be uprooted just because other people treat their house as an investment rather than a home in the true sense?

I call for the minimum percentage of owners required for en-bloc sale agreement to be increased to at least 90 per cent.
  Copyright MediaCorp Press Ltd. All rights reserved.

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