Thursday, November 23, 2006

[RealEdge] TodayOnline : HDB flats are big enough to meet modern families' needs

  This story was printed from TODAYonline
  HDB flats are big enough to meet modern families' needs

Wednesday ? November 22, 2006

Letter from Ignatius Lourdesamy
Ag Deputy Director (Marketing & Projects), for Director (Estate Administration & Property) Housing & Development Board

I refer to the letter, "Have more kids? It's a squash" (Nov 15) by Ms Sangeetha Bysheim.

Housing & Development Board (HDB) flats are designed to meet the diverse needs of small and large families. HDB has adjusted the size of new flats over the years, in line with the trend of decreasing household size. The average household size is 3.6 now, compared to 5.4 in the 1970s and 4.9 in the 1980s.

HDB flats are also designed for more efficient use of space. New four-room HDB flats have a floor area of about 90 sqm. These flats have three bedrooms in addition to living/dining rooms and kitchen, and are large enough for most families to live comfortably together.

For larger families, HDB also offers new five-room and executive Flats with floor areas of 110 sqm and above under its walk-in selection exercises in various towns.

The sizes of HDB flats are comparable to many private apartments in Singapore, and larger than most apartments in other Asian cities like Tokyo, Hong Kong and Seoul. We thank Ms Sangeetha Bysheim for her feedback.
  Copyright MediaCorp Press Ltd. All rights reserved.

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