Friday, August 04, 2006

[RealEdge] CNA : Wheelock Properties first to be awarded URA Arts Incentive

Singapore News

Wheelock Properties first to be awarded URA Arts Incentive
By Adelyn Lim, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 03 August 2006 1956 hrs



Wheelock Properties has been awarded the Urban Redevelopment Authority Arts Incentive.

It is the first company to get the incentive since it was introduced last September to encourage more public art in the Central Area.

Wheelock Properties is acquiring four sculptures worth about S$6.39 million by world renowned artists.

These are "Alice in Wonderland" by Salvador Dali; "Working Model for Sheep Piece" 1971 by Henry Moore; "Three Indeterminate Lines 1994" by Bernar Venet; and "V&A Chandelier1999" by Dale Chihuly.

They will be housed at the company's residential and retail development at No.6 Scotts Road.

With the incentive, Wheelock Properties will have extra gross floor area for the development.

It says it has been the company's practice to include art in its residential developments to give ambience and exclusivity. - CNA/ch

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